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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Every year hundreds of acres of old growth forest are defiled by evil corn farmers in order to supply energy fiends with a healthy supply of ethanol corn. No, not really, because corn farming is a legal business and corn farmers are able to manage existing privately-owned farm land to tend their crops. This is not the case with cannabis farming.

Outdoor cannabis farming is a risky profession. Not only does a grower have to protect his/her crop from like natural dangers, pests, mold, and drought, the grower must also maintain security from rivals and law enforcement. These risks force growers into old growth forest like the beautiful and pristine Sequoia National Forest where the chances of being discovered amongst the massive trees is slim. I'll concede it is true these clandestine farmers don't have the best interests of the public or forest in mind when choosing a growing patch, fertilizers, or security measures.

From my previous post you know that I support the protection of America's remaining old growth forest, especially the Old Forest at Overton Park. The DEA and other LEOs would have you to believe that deforestation for the purpose of cannabis farming is rooted in the evil intentions of growers. If the environment was really the concern of the Drug Warriors then legitimate businesses would be able to farm hemp outdoors and cultivate medicinal-quality marijuana in secure indoor greenhouses. Asset forfeiture policies make growing on private property too risky, as a result delicate ecosystems suffer.

Legalizing marijuana and hemp will move production from criminal growers on public land, to legitimate farmers on private property. Re-Legalization is a policy of environmental harm reduction.
clipped from

Mexican cartels running pot farms in U.S. national forest

SEQUOIA NATIONAL FOREST, California (CNN) -- Beyond the towering trees that have stood here for thousands of years, an intense drug war is being waged.

Ten thousand marijuana plants, some 5 feet tall, dotted the mountainside's steep terrain amid thick brush, often near streams. This garden's street value is an estimated $40 million, authorities said.

"It's something that's troubling for many of us in law enforcement," he said. "You have illegal criminal activity in the mountain regions not only destroying the natural beauty of the landscape but as well as the potential for this product to reach the children of this community."